mad cow disease

英 美
  • n.狂牛病;牛绵状脑病
  • cow n.母牛;雌象;雌鲸;雌犀牛;女人v.恐吓
  • disease n.疾病v.使…生病,感染
  • mad adj.发疯的,发狂似的;狂热的;鲁莽的;着迷的;生气的;极度激动的
  1. a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system; causes staggering and agitation

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Exaggerated media accounts of mad-cow disease drove ordinary cit-izens, including many high-school students, onto the streets for orderly candlelight protest vigils.
    2. Scientists believe mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, spreads when farmers feed cattle recycled meat and bones from infected animals.
